Wetland-Wildlife Wildflower Seed Mix
Wetland-Wildlife Wildflower Seed Mix
A collection of species chosen for their value to waterfowl forage and habitat. Including some wetland flowering plants. These species will grow on the edge of a fresh water wetland or pond and in frequently flooded and wet sites. Some of the species are emergent and will grow in 0”-3”+ water. Sedges, rushes, forbs and rice cutgrass provide a perennial and permanent source of waterfowl food. Bunch grasses that grow in wet sites provide waterfowl nesting and brooding habitat for local species like our native non-migratory gulf coast mottled duck as well as many rail species. (Rails are some of my favorite birds to chase in the marsh.) This mix is ideal for a wetland habitat land restoration, mitigation or easement programs like Louisiana’s C-GRIP program. This mix also contains some annual species to provide a nurse crop and quick food for waterfowl; sorghum, sunflower, oats and turnips.
Planting Rate: 5-8 pounds per acre
Some of the species included are; chalky bluestem, rice cutgrass, indian plantain, white wild indigo, white dolls daisy, rattlesnake master, fox sedge, franks sedge, swamp sunflower, panic grass, button bush, maryland meadow beauty and texas coneflower. -Detailed species list and composition in images.